Guild Ball: The Union - Avarisse & Greed
Guild Ball: The Union - Fangtooth
Guild Ball: The Union - Gutter
Guild Ball: The Union - Harry "The Hat" Hallahan (Season 2)
Guild Ball: The Union - Hemlocke
Guild Ball: The Union - Minx
Guild Ball: The Union - Mist
Guild Ball: The Union - Rage
Guild Ball: The Union - Seasoned Brisket
Guild Ball: The Union - Snakeskin
Guild Ball: The Union - Strongbox (Season 2)
Guild Ball: The Union - Veteran Rage
Guild Ball: The Union Dice x 10
Guild Ball: The Union Starter Set (Blackheart, Decimate,Gutter)
Guild Ball: The Union Token Set
Guild Ball: Union - First Light of Solthecius (Season 3)