Circle Orboros: Argus (Classic, Painted)
Circle Orboros: Argus 2 (Classic, Painted)
Circle Orboros: Baldur the Stonecleaver (Painted)
Circle Orboros: Blackclad Wayfarer (Painted)
Circle Orboros: Druids of Orboros (unit of 6) (Painted)
Circle Orboros: Feral Warpwolf (Classic, Painted)
Circle Orboros: Kaya the Wildborne (Painted)
Circle Orboros: Krueger the Stormlord (Painted)
Circle Orboros: Krueger the Stormwrath (Painted)
Circle Orboros: Lord of the Feast (Painted)
Circle Orboros: Mohsar the Desertwalker (Painted)
Circle Orboros: Morvahna the Autumnblade (Painted)
Circle Orboros: Pureblood Warpwolf (Classic, Painted)
Circle Orboros: Shifting Stones (Painted)
Circle Orboros: Warpwolf Stalker (Classic, Painted)
Circle Orboros: Wolf Lord Morraig (Painted)
Circle Orboros: Wolves of Orboros Chieftain & Standard (Classic, Painted)
Circle Orboros: Wolves of Orboros Unit (unit of 10) (Classic, Painted)
Warmachine Circle Orboros: Kaya the Wildheart