Bolt Action: Carro Armato/Semovente
Bolt Action: Centurion Mk III
Bolt Action: Char B1 Bis
Bolt Action: Chi-Ha Japanese tank
Bolt Action: Chindit Weapons Teams
Bolt Action: Churchill AVRE with Bobbin
Bolt Action: Churchill AVRE with Fascine
Bolt Action: Churchill Tank
Bolt Action: Combined Arms
Bolt Action: Commandos Support Group
Bolt Action: Cromwell Cruiser Tank
Bolt Action: Crusader MK I/II tank
Bolt Action: Daimler Armoured Car Mk 1
Bolt Action: Fallschirmjager
Bolt Action: Fallschirmjäger (Winter) HQ
Bolt Action: Fallschirmjäger (Winter) Platoon
Bolt Action: Fallschirmjäger (Winter) Starter Army
Bolt Action: Fallschirmjager 81mm medium mortar team (1943-45)
Bolt Action: Fallschirmjager sniper, panzerschreck and flamethrower teams (1943-45)
Bolt Action: Fallschirmjäger Support Group
Bolt Action: Fiat 626 medium truck
Bolt Action: Finnish 75 PSTK/40 anti-tank gun
Bolt Action: Finnish light mortar and flamethrower teams
Bolt Action: Finnish medium mortar team
Bolt Action: Finnish Panzerschreck and anti-tank rifle teams
Bolt Action: Finnish Rifle Squad
Bolt Action: Flakpanzer IV Wirbelwind (Resin)
Bolt Action: French Army Infantry
Bolt Action: French Army Starter Army
Bolt Action: French Army Support Group
Bolt Action: French Army Weapons Teams
Bolt Action: French Resistance Light Anti-Tank Gun
Bolt Action: French Resistance Light Artillery
Bolt Action: French Resistance PIAT Anti-Tank Rifle Teams
Bolt Action: French Resistance Sniper and Light Mortar Teams
Bolt Action: French Resistance Squad
Bolt Action: French Resistance Support Group
Bolt Action: Gebirgsjager Squad
Bolt Action: German Army (Winter) Support Group