Warmachine Circle Orboros: Kaya the Wildheart
Warmachine Cryx: Barathrum Cryx Character Helljack
Warmachine Cryx: Desecrator/ Harrower/ Leviathan Helljack
Warmachine Cryx: Lich Lord Venethrax
Warmachine Cryx: Stalker Bonejack
Warmachine Cryx: Warwitch Siren Solo
Warmachine Cryx: Withershadow Combine
Warmachine Cygnar: Brickhouse Heavy Warjack
Warmachine Cygnar: Epic Caster Captain Allister Cain
Warmachine Cygnar: Epic Major Victoria Haley
Warmachine Cygnar: Journeyman Warcaster
Warmachine Cygnar: Rangers
Warmachine Cygnar: Trencher Infantry with Three Weapon Attachments Unit Box (13)
Warmachine Khador: Behemoth Character Heavy Warjack (white metal & resin) BOX
Warmachine Khador: Iron Fang Pikemen/Black Dragons PLASTIC Unit w/ Attachment (12) Box
Warmachine Khador: Kovnik Jozef Grigorovich
Warmachine Khador: Warcaster Supreme Kommandant Irusk
Warmachine Khador: Winter Guard Infantry PLASTIC Unit Box w/ Three Weapon Attachments (13)
Warmachine Khador: Winter Guard Rifle Corps Unit Box (10)
Warmachine Mercenaries: Caine's Hellslingers Warcaster Unit
Warmachine Mercenaries: Eiryss, Mage Hunter of Ios
Warmachine Mercenaries: Reinholdt, Gobber Speculator
Warmachine Mercenaries: Rhupert Carvolo, Piper of Ord
Warmachine Mercenaries: Swamp Gobber River Raiders
Warmachine Mercenaries: Thorn Gun Mages
Warmachine Protectorate: Battlegroup Starter PLASTIC BOX
Warmachine Protectorate: Choir of Menoth Box
Warmachine Protectorate: Sovereign Tristan Durant
Warmachine Protectorate: Visgoth Rhoven & Exemplar Bodyguards Unit Box
Warmachine Protectorate: Warcaster Hierarch Severius
Warmachine Retribution: Griffon Light Myrmidon PLASTIC Box
Warmachine Retribution: Lord Arcanist Ossyan
Warmachine Retribution: Vyros, Incissar of the Dawnguard Cavalry Epic Warcaster BOX