The PaK 40 was Germany's primary anti-tank gun throughout most of the war, with over 20,000 being produced. Capable of reliably knocking out virtually every Allied tank it faced, it was a well-liked weapon, much feared by Allied tankers.Fallschirmjägerformations made good use of the gun, which proved particularly effective when fired from concealed ambush positions during the Battle of the Bulge.
A PaK 40 is a great addition to any Artillery Platoon in aBolt Action Fallschirmjägerforce. As a Heavy Anti-Tank Gun it's able to deal with any armour your opponent might bring, and its powerful HE shell can also blast infantry apart!
A Heavy AT Gun will need a tow - the PaK 40 is best paired with an Sd.Kfz 7 half-track or a good old-fashioned horse limber!